
Boyfriend Chafe: How to Soothe the Unavoidable Beard-Burn

Above all, you need to maintain soft, well-moisturized skin before and after. To do that, just follow these words of wisdom for managing the aftermath of an affectionate encounter:

Switch Your Cleanser

Ditch your gel cleanser for something cream-based. A creamy cleanser can be far more soothing and adds a touch of hydration that your skin will thank you for. This Hydrating Cream-to-Foam Cleanser from CeraVe is the perfect blend of cleansing, moisturizing, and protective of the skin lipid barrier.

Tone Gently

Use a pH-balancing toner rather than one that is astringent in nature. Alcohol and witch hazel, often found in astringents, might aggravate your skin further. Instead, use toners with barrier-protective properties such as ceramides, and peptides. This helps maintain the right level of acidity for defense without tipping into irritation territory. Here, opt for skin care from K-beauty which have more active ingredients and high skin nourishment. Personally, I love the Ginseng Toner from Beauty of Joseon because it calms and soothes the skin of irritation.

Facial Oils

I find that a rich facial oil–either a simple Vitamin E, avocado, flaxseed, evening primrose oil, or a self-made oil/butter blend–are super protective of my skin, and save me from the rush of irritation that I feel after a spicy make out session! Thick creams such as the Egyptian Magic Cream are very hydrating and provide a barrier that might even moisturize your S.O’s beard while you go at it!

Pause on Potent Ingredients

Hold off on using active skincare components like vitamin C, tretinoin, and retinol when your skin is irritated. (The mere thought of applying tretinoin to a beard burn is wince-inducing, but also a mistake that ehm…some people I know have made…!!!) As healing progresses, these ingredients can return to your routine, but for now, they’re best left on the shelf.

Understand the Impact of Hair Length

Familiarize yourself with which beard length your skin can handle. A smidgen of growth can make a significant difference, often being more forgiving than the abrasive stubble of a ‘5 o’clock shadow’. The best length is between 1/8 and 1/4 inches, which tends to be kindest on the skin.

Lip Care is Paramount

Amid all this, don’t neglect your lips. A high-quality lip therapy or balm, such as Aquaphor Healing Ointment. It tastes like nothing and is very, very hydrating; perfect for kissing.

Remember, your amorous adventures shouldn’t come with a side of skin distress. With these tried and true tips, you can indulge in all the affectionate lip-locking you desire, ensuring both you and your skin remain radiant and happy!

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