edibles before workout

Sweat and Sativa: How Edibles Make My Workouts Magical

There’s a certain magic in incorporating an edible before a workout, and I’m here to spill the tea—or perhaps the gummies—on why it’s becoming my secret weapon for a more enjoyable fitness routine. I’m not talking about getting baked and lounging on the couch. Nope! This is about enhancing my mind-body connection and boosting motivation. It’s about transforming a potentially mundane workout into a euphoric experience.

First things first, let’s address the obvious: yes, I take an edible before my workout. It’s not every day, but on those days when my motivation is dragging its feet or I just need a little extra zest, this little treat completely transforms my experience. Think of it as my pre-workout supplement, with a twist.

Finding the Perfect Edible

Finding the right edible is key. I swear by low-dose options (we’re talking 5-10mg) that balance me out without tipping me into giggle fits mid-pilates. There are so many delicious and discreet options these days. My go-to are Rhodies, as they offer the smoothest workout high with Sativa and Indica, balancing a steady, reliable boost of energy and calm—win-win.

Starting with an Elevated Warm-Up

Once the edible kicks in, usually around 30-45 minutes, I begin my warm-up. Suddenly, the stretches feel deeper, my muscles more responsive, and the mind-body connection more pronounced. It’s like moving through a beautiful, slow-motion dance where everything just clicks. My favorite warm-up? A gentle yoga flow to ease into the session—utter bliss.

Enjoying the Enhanced Sensory Experience

Now, the real magic happens. Music sounds richer, movements feel more fluid, and each breath feels like a hug for the soul. It’s as if everything is in high-definition, and I’m savoring every single rep. Whether I’m lifting weights or flowing through a Pilates routine, there’s an added layer of enjoyment and mindfulness.

Boosting Mindfulness and Motivation

The biggest pro? Enhanced mindfulness. The edible helps me stay present, transforming what could be a routine set of squats into an almost meditative state. My focus is sharper and distractions melt away. I gratefully find myself pushing just a little harder, holding that plank just a bit longer. It’s not about the high; it’s about the heightened awareness and engagement.

Savoring the Post-Workout Glow

When the session wraps up, the post-workout endorphins mix with the edible’s mellow vibes, leaving me with a serene, satisfied glow. Stretching and cool-downs turn into mini spa moments—luminary candles, soft music, the works. Trust me, it’s the ultimate way to cap off a session.

Practicing Conscious Consumption

Of course, it’s crucial to know your limits and listen to your body. Not all workouts are suitable for this kind of enhancement, and safety always comes first. Start with a low dose and see how it feels. The goal is to enhance the experience, not to impair it.

Incorporating an edible into my workout routine every now and then has opened up a new dimension of joy and connection to my fitness. It’s my little secret to a more delightful, engaging, and mindful workout. Here’s to elevating our routines, one delicious gummy at a time! 🌸

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